You are already whole. Breath is simply a tool to reconnect you to your truest self.


Why Breathwork?

This practice has had such a profound impact in my life and now I am honored to create this safe and loving space for you.

As we connect to Breath, allowing it to flow more freely through the Mental, Physical, and Spiritual Bodies - we can begin to acknowledge, shift, and release this stagnant energy. This also allows us to connect to presence and create space for the things we want more of in life. Whether that's healing from old wounds and trauma, deep love and self acceptance, dissolving limiting beliefs, more clarity and focus, stronger relationships, or inviting more peace and divine connection. What would you like to release that's no longer serving you?  What would you create in your life if you knew that the possibilities were endless?

All of this is just on the other side of your next Breath.

Did you know...

That Breathwork has been scientifically proven to:

  • Lower Stress
  • Lower Anxiety
  • Lower Blood Pressure
  • Release Trauma 
  • Promote Relaxation
  • Promote Better Sleep
  • Improve Digestive Health
  • Increase Energy Flow
  • Increase Focus
  • Increase Immune Function
  • Manage Pain (Physical and Emotional) 
  • Release Toxins

"I tried psychotherapy, medicine, and recreational drugs to heal from years of trauma. Nothing worked, and I was pretty vocal about that with folks until a mentor recommended Jess's guided breathwork coaching. I was initially skeptical because I was growing closer to God and wasn't sure what this was about. However, after spending a few minutes with Jess, I knew God had sent me to her virtual doorstep. The work that I've done with Jess has been transformative and has brought me even closer to myself, my body, and Jesus. Jess is a healer, she's a kind, patient, and loving woman who pours out wisdom and creates a safe space you won't want to leave. If you're tired of trying to fix yourself, negative habits, etc., with no avail, then take just one session with Jess. She will help you become the person you know you can be and point you to the creator, God, who wants you to be all you are destined to become."

Chisolm O.

"My healing journey has many paths and I'm so very grateful for Breathwork with Jessica. Breathwork has allowed a certain connectivity between mind, body, and spirit. She creates a very safe space for vulnerability to surface and it’s been amazing how aware she is to the different phases of healing. She continuously checks in and acknowledges when certain sessions are more difficult and provides you with outside resources so that you can do the work on your own. Jessica is incredibly in tune during the sessions and gives you feedback as to how you have progressed. Breathwork has been crucial for me to heal from traumas in the past and present, allowing for a future for myself to feel whole again. I greatly encourage everyone to practice Breathwork with Jessica!"

Adrienne G.

"I am so deeply grateful for my recent Breathwork session with Jessica. I have been practicing Breathwork for quite some time now, yet the experience with Jess was like no other. I felt completely wrapped in love, acceptance and true inner-guidance. Along with exceptional feedback, I left my session completely buzzing with excitement and a new outlook on life. I can't wait for my next session and I strongly encourage everyone to try Breathwork with Jess, you won’t be disappointed."

Cherri H.

Schedule A Discovery Call


How Breathwork will Nourish and Transform your "whole" self.



Breathwork will calm and slow down the emotional turbulence in your mind. There are studies that show breathwork can help treat depression, anxiety, and PTSD.

Breathwork can help you reach a deeper state of mind. While in this state, you will be able to access buried emotions, grudges, and traumas, and ultimately release yourself from their grip on your mental state.


Breathwork activates your parasympathetic nervous system, and in turn, slows down your heart rate and lowers your blood pressure—creating a feeling of calm.

In deep, focused breath you rely on your diaphragm instead of your chest, inviting your neck and chest muscles to relax and engaging your abs so that a larger amount of oxygen can reach your body’s cells and organs.

Throughout most of your life your body is operating under “fight-or-flight” response or stress. In this state, a surge of hormones gets released (such as cortisol and adrenaline) that causes your breathing to speed up, increases your pulse and blood pressure, and puts you in a state of hypervigilance. If you've experienced the impact of trauma, like myself, you may relate to being stuck in sympathetic nervous system activation:

  • shallow breathing
  • restriction or tension in the belly
  • holding your breath
  • uncomfortable sensations throughout your body
  • dissociation from the body
  • feelings of not being able to relax, wind down
  • not feeling grounded or connected to others.

As a Certified Biodynamic Breathwork and Trauma Release (BBTR) Facilitator, we will go beyond the conscious mind to evoke deeper layers of the psyche, through an embodied practice. Bringing awareness to the breath pattern will support moving from fight/flight/freeze and into more safety in the body.


Through breath you can move beyond your body and mind, and connect with your core spirit—your Truest Self. You can remove your ego and connect to Divine Energy or what I like to refer to as "God's Energy".

The more you are able to access and connect to this energy, the more you will live life from your truest and highest self.  This is where the possibilities become endless.


Schedule a Discovery Call

What to Expect

Each 75 minute session is individualized and client driven. Modalities that may be used during a session include guided breath, guided meditation, sound release, sound through healing frequencies, movement, guided touch, and emotional expression. Be sure that you are in a quiet, comfortable, undisturbed space and please include anything that brings peace and comfort.

It’s important to note that Biodynamic Breathwork and Trauma Release doesn’t necessarily elicit traumatic memories or require people to relive them in order to heal. In Breathwork, one is free to express the emotions and sensations through laughter, tears, shaking, movement, and anything else that releases the emotional residue from the event.

The power of Breathwork is that it opens the body to do what it already naturally knows how to do - release and restore.

You never have to journey alone.

Questions? I'd love to hear from you!