Embody your worth. Release that which isn't serving your highest good. Create a life you love.





A 12 Week Coaching and Breathwork Program that supports you throughout your unique journey.

Self Awareness

You will be guided to a deeper level of self awareness and understanding about who you are, what needs you have, and what speaks to your soul. 

Healing Through Mindfulness

Through Breathwork and Meditation practices we will begin to ignite healing and release everything holding you back from the life you desire.


You will gain the tools to  break free from limiting thoughts and open up possibilities for success in every area of your life. It all starts with your mindset.

I wanted to take a moment and detail with gratitude how my time with Jessica has healed me. I couldn't consistently meditate before, and because we do it together, I now do it every day. 

This work has changed my relationship with my body to one of wonder, amazement, gratitude and presence. I'm thinking more about anatomy. I feel confident that this year I can explore ways to let my neck and shoulders feel good. The urge to emotionally eat has reduced almost down to nothing, after ~30 years.

For the last 5 years, bedtime has been lonely and I've watched videos on my phone to fall asleep. When Jessica shared the practice of thinking about what went well that day, what I'm grateful for, and what my intentions are, it's worked so well for me. I've been doing it off and on since our conversation about it, and whenever I do, it works.  I'm so amazed that I now have this tool.

Through the inner child work, I feel hopeful that it will let me show up at work and in my relationships how I want to. I've also noticed that my ability to communicate has changed in ways I really like.

I feel content.

Hallie W. 

Introductory Session - Let's Get to Know Each Other!

Complimentary 30 minute discovery call to ensure that my services are aligned with your needs. This call allows us to learn more about each other and the ways in which I can best support you. My number one goal is that you get the support you need for where you're at in your life right now and this is an opportunity for us to determine that together.

  • What have you become aware of on a mental, physical, and spiritual level recently?
  • What are your goals and intentions for working with a Mind Body Coach?
  • How committed are you to this transformational journey?
  • What do you know is possible when it comes to Mind Body Transformation?
I'm ready!

How do I know if this Program is right for me?


✓ You are ready to prioritize yourself - physically, mentally, and spiritually.

✓ You've recognized that there are areas of your life that need healing in order for you to live out your dreams.

✓ You are becoming more self aware and you know that self love is necessary to create the life that aligns with who you really are.

✓ Your childhood and early adult wounds created self limiting beliefs which have led to repeated patterns and you're ready to gain the tools to create the life you deserve.

✓ You've known for some time that your life has a powerful calling and you're ready to stop playing small and answer. 

Embody. Release. Create. 

As a Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner, Mind Body Coach, and Breathwork Facilitator, I inspire my clients to prioritize their physical, mental, and spiritual health while creating a life that aligns with who they truly are.  Together we will dive deep into self awareness, create a safe space for those areas that need healing, and ultimately give you the tools to realize the power that has been inside of you all along.  What would you create in your life if you knew that the possibilities were endless? I can't wait for us to explore that together!




Questions? I would love to connect!